Friday, April 3, 2009

A few responses to the Hope ESL

Hi Pete, just thought I'd let you know I love the Mandarin Hope CDROM. I've been using alongside telling Chronological Bible Stories to non-Christian Chinese Uni students at Sydney Uni. It's been a help.
Keep up the good work bro!

I heard about Hope ESL from a friend who has been teaching in Russia for a couple of years. I emailed him asking for any resources he was familiar with. The next day he received an email from a friend telling him of the success he had with the Hope ESL program. I have deleted that email so I cannot provide you with a name...sorry! (Don't you just love how God works thing out???)
This year our church is sponsoring foreign mission trips to Cambodia, China, Guatamala, Bahrain and Lebanon. We are very excited about the doors God is opening for us...especially in Asia.
I look forward to receiving the CDs. May God richly bless your efforts.

Sorry for not responding ages ago. I did get the disk. I think its great, so really glad you now have time / backing / contacts to keep developing things. I have distributed the disk in a few directions already. Everyone seems to think it's great. In particular, one pastor's wife who i know here is running some English classes, taught by appropriate foreigners, mainly for students from the provinces who are studying in [the city]. She thinks it is great and has enthusiastically adopted it as the curriculum for the more advanced classes.

We are teaching English to hundreds of students and educators here in Nicaragua. How can I get a copy as soon as possible of your ESL tool?

Thank you so much for the ‘HOPE CD’. We are truly blessed and what a powerful tool. We are using it as part of out family bible study once a week and now I am planning to use it in our mens fellowship and trying to include the Bible story on CD in our youth program as part of the Bible lesson. Pray that the doors will be open for me to use the material.

We are working in Moldova sharing the Gospen through English teaching. During the summer we organize English camps and during the year we teach English in small groups. I was looking for some materials that will combine English lessond with the Gospel. The CD Rom that you write about would be a wonderfull thing on this way

Thanks so much for sending this CD on to me. It will be very useful. Both showing the film and for helping English students.
The missionnaries at Katoka out west near the Angolan border have the film, but not the English curriculum, so are wanting a copy.
I am in Lubumbashi and my friend from Katoka arrives here this afternoon, so she will make a copy while she is here.
Once again thank you so much for sending this CD.

Thanks for the mail and I just want to share with you that english is a very good tool for us to share the gospel with young people here. In our center in Antsirabe, we do have 100 young people coming to learn english once a week and every year we do have 200 students. Already lots of young people from our club are taking over the leaders and lots of them receive Jesus Christ as their personal saviour at the english club. We are very thankful to God that we do have partnership in this area.

"Please may we have a few more of The Hope CD.ROMS---can you spare six? ! Because of our involvement (over the last 12 years since our retirement from service in Africa) with the International Student Hospitality Scheme of the Glasgow Universities, then with Friends International in Glasgow, we now have an ongoing email ministry to those who have gone home after Graduating. This includes Dicipling, advising on Bible study and the like, also sending Bibles and study notes to those interested or who have come to faith while in the UK. There is such a need !---a real hunger too.

We were impressed with the complete message of 'The Hope' and feel that this is something that we could extend and use in our email ministry---so light and easy to send to China and other countries, for use via our contacts' computers. These young folks 'live' in them ! In the CD. the speakers speak at the right pace and pronounce so well, that it could be useful as a lip-reading exercise too, for the deaf ! This is an excellent English Language tool, with the wonderful bonus of hearing the Good News and of allowing an opening for the Holy Spirit to do His unique and wonderful work. We would value your comments---and if you feel this is a good use of your resourse, we would use the CDs sensitively." UK

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