Sunday, September 27, 2009

400 discs given away in Bolivia

Campus Crusade for Christ in Bolivia are trialing a program where English Students are given a copy of the Hope ESL for free after they complete an online survey. They have made 400 copies to give in this trial. Ron Burgin who is conducting the trial is in charge of the Jesus Video for South America so if this works it could be distributed further

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hope ESL in Zambia

In partnership with YFC we will be distributing 90 discs in Zambia this week. 10 will be presented to key leaders in each province.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August update

Hi there,
Here are some brief highlights from roofbreakers and the Hope ESL project.

"I think it is dynamite! I think you've got a winner here and it can go and do many great things." 
US Internet evangelist 
  • In the last 5 months we have personally distributed 1650 free copies of the Hope ESL disc to a global group of mainly missionaries, teachers and students.
  • The Indonesian support version of the ESL material is complete. (It is similar to the Mandarin version you can find in the root directory of each disc. See attachment.)
  • We partnered with Darlene & Mark Zschech's organisation Hope Rwanda in Africa "We were able to personally distribute many (hundreds) of disks individually to teachers - who asked for them. And to all christian school teachers who were [at the Rwandan Education conference] as well as through the Association of Christian Teachers. Everyone who has seen it has loved it and raved about it." The Rwandan Ministry of Education has asked that the disk go for approval to be entered into the national curriculum for national distribution and training.
  • We have been just been granted limited rights to develop the South African film "Faith Like Potatoes" into ESL material
  • This month we rejoiced that the Hope ESL was offered for free download for the first time due to an urgent request from Senegal Africa. The link to download the complete software is  . 
 The vision is to take people to Jesus from all nations through reproducible, gospel centered, ESL software.

Here are some ways you could get behind us...
  1. Fill in a 5 min survey about your thoughts & experiences 
  2. Consider donating to cover the postage for others so that we can continue to offer free copies. (
  3. Copy the Hope  disc and give it away.... to people learning English or to missionaries/organisations who work in high need areas.
  4. Pray that God would bring someone across your path personally whom you could tutor/disciple through the Hope ESL.
Continue to run the race in Christ
Pete Cavanagh

Mark 2:1-11

Senegal, West Africa

"I have just come across an excellent tool for those who teach English as a second language (ESL). It is a free CD, based on the principles of the language learning expert, Greg Thompson, which teaches English based around the chronological gospel film "The Hope". It works in a somewhat similar manner to the Rosetta Stone language learning series, with students interacting with audio and text in English. I have had a bit of a play with the CD and it looks excellent, with the religious content gently spread throughout the lessons in a natural way. In the process of learning English the student will also learn several key biblical stories." 

"Love the Hope CD! We are promoting it to our contacts here in Canada."

"I've given the Hope to 8 full-time CCC workers, to 2 Dentistry doctors, to 40 Dentistry students in my English class who snapped them up real fast after class and asked if they could copy them for their friends because their weren't enough left and to 8 Uni students who were learning English with me."

New Zealand
"We see The Hope ESOL as a cutting edge tool to reach these International students for the Lord well as to Mission mind people home and abroad."  

"[Our students] are all adults like ourselves and they've got issues and things that they could talk about and this [curriculum] gives them the facility to  do that. It has been just so exciting to see people increase in their understanding and come to faith. I can't recommend it high enough." a Church ESL program

South East Asia mission conference.
"We had a good week. My only mistake was in asking for only 4 copies of your disk instead of 40! I had thought that by now many others might already know of it - but it seemed no one did. And lots of people were interested to get a copy!"