Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Here's Life Australia's post

Here's Life Australia yesterday posted this (

This last week I saw a resource which I think you will want.  It is a FREE ESL software CDROM.

I know you would like it because you downloaded one of our free evangelistic resources - showing me that you love Jesus and want to make Him known in your network of friends and aquaintances -- no matter what language they speak.

For the past 18 years my wife has NOT wanted to be involved in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL).  When she saw this she said, "WOW".  You see, this is fun.  It is interactive. It tells people about Jesus in a non-threatening way.  It is something all of us can do.  We had our first class last week.

On Thursdays I teach Scripture for Year 3 & 4.  I plan to ask each of my students, "Who does not speak English at home?", and give them a CDROM to take home to improve their English AND to learn more about Jesus.  It starts so basic that they can benefit from it, yet it has aspects which are so advanced that a university student could benefit.

Imagine giving it to ALL your neighbours who want to improve their English.  Offer it to shop keepers.

It is a resource you can legally duplicate.  That makes this CDROM cheaper than most Gospel tracts!

Here is how to get YOUR copy.  Be generous and send $5 (covers postage and a bit more).  It is well worth it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Caryn's ESL Blog Review

The Hope ESL Software Curriculum

This looks like a great curriculum…a way to teach English and tell the story of Jesus Christ…together! These are a few thoughts I’ve had after spending several hours looking through the material. Keep in mind I have not yet used it myself to teach a class. I will be sharing it at all future ESL workshops, and hope to use it with students this summer.

The disc has links for Beginner through Advanced, though I think the lowest level I would use this is High-Beginner. I think some of the sentences that are used to reinforce the vocabulary are just too wordy for a low beginner class/student. There are many ways to use the material however. And you could certainly adapt it to fit your situation.
1. Give the disc to students that have computers at home. Let them explore on their own (or assign a section to be completed.) I’d probably take a class session to do an orientation to familiarize students with the disc and how to use it.
2. Meet with a student(s) and work with the CD together as part of a one-on-one or one-on-two tutoring session.
3. Use the material as the basis for teaching a class (showing the video from the day’s lesson and using the printable materials to teach new vocabulary and provide communication practice activities).
The Teacher’s Resources section is very helpful. If you only used the video portion to tell the story, then the teacher’s resources section with it, you could have the foundation for a good class lesson. If students are able to work on this outside of class in their homes, that would be even better.
Within the Student Resources section, students can discover how to begin a relationship with God. All of it supports our beliefs as Southern Baptists. New believers are also encouraged to share their decision with 5 other people within 24 hours…what a way to celebrate and share!
The curriculum is the result of collaboration between Mars Hill Productions and Roof Breakers. Pete Cavanaugh with Roof Breakers sent me the CD at no charge. He encourages duplication and sharing of the materials (as long as you don’t altar anything), so this is something you could provide to your students and teachers at no charge beyond the expense of blank CDs and printing of disc labels (though I suspect their ministry would appreciate financial support if possible!)
There are several Bible study guides that could be used with the curriculum as well. These appear to be for a more advanced group, but could probably be adapted for an intermediate student/class.
Check it out! Pete asks that in the spirit of ministry partnership, ministries would share how you’ve used the material and what experiences you’ve had with it. I’d love to hear as well!!
To order one for yourself, visit Roobreakers website!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hope Rwanda possibility

I (Pete) will be traveling to Sydney this week for meetings with Campus Crusade.

I will also get a chance to meet up with Hope Rwanda. We are excited about this connection.

Check out these points...


Over the next 5 years Hope Rwanda will be involved in the transfer of the national language of Rwanda from French to English. This will involve teaching approximately 31,000 teachers in Rwanda to speak and write in English an then teach their students.

In partnership with the Rwandan Ministry of Education, the team goes to Rwanda once a year to run the Hope Rwanda Primary English Module Training & theHope Rwanda Nursery Module Training.  If you are interested in becoming part of this team, please contact us at the Hope Rwanda Office.

Our motto is 'Teachers - more precious than gold'. Our primary goal is to encourage teachers in their significance of their role in society and in the impact they will have on the future generation of Rwanda's leaders.

Click here to view the Teacher Training Program 09

A 5 ½ day intensive residential training program during the July 2009 school vacation as part of Rwandan English Teacher Trainer Development Pathway.