Sunday, September 27, 2009
400 discs given away in Bolivia
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hope ESL in Zambia
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
August update
- In the last 5 months we have personally distributed 1650 free copies of the Hope ESL disc to a global group of mainly missionaries, teachers and students.
- The Indonesian support version of the ESL material is complete. (It is similar to the Mandarin version you can find in the root directory of each disc. See attachment.)
- We partnered with Darlene & Mark Zschech's organisation Hope Rwanda in Africa. "We were able to personally distribute many (hundreds) of disks individually to teachers - who asked for them. And to all christian school teachers who were [at the Rwandan Education conference] as well as through the Association of Christian Teachers. Everyone who has seen it has loved it and raved about it." The Rwandan Ministry of Education has asked that the disk go for approval to be entered into the national curriculum for national distribution and training.
- We have been just been granted limited rights to develop the South African film "Faith Like Potatoes" into ESL material www.faithlikepotatoes
- This month we rejoiced that the Hope ESL was offered for free download for the first time due to an urgent request from Senegal Africa. The link to download the complete software is
TheHOPEesl.iso .
- Fill in a 5 min survey about your thoughts & experiences
- Consider donating to cover the postage for others so that we can continue to offer free copies. (
- Copy the Hope disc and give it away.... to people learning English or to missionaries/organisations who work in high need areas.
- Pray that God would bring someone across your path personally whom you could tutor/disciple through the Hope ESL.
"I have just come across an excellent tool for those who teach English as a second language (ESL). It is a free CD, based on the principles of the language learning expert, Greg Thompson, which teaches English based around the chronological gospel film "The Hope". It works in a somewhat similar manner to the Rosetta Stone language learning series, with students interacting with audio and text in English. I have had a bit of a play with the CD and it looks excellent, with the religious content gently spread throughout the lessons in a natural way. In the process of learning English the student will also learn several key biblical stories."
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries REVIEW
We begin by playing “Go Fish” using picture cards made from the scenes of the film we will be watching later in the class. Files of pictures are included on the CD for each lesson. I print out the pictures and make a deck of “Go Fish” cards for each group. In groups of three to five, the students deal out four or five cards to each player and put the remaining cards in the “fish” pile. Next, they take turns going around the group asking questions about each others’ picture cards in order to find the cards that match the cards they have in their hands. If the person asked the questions has a matching picture card, she hands the card over, but if she doesn’t have a matching picture card, she tells the questioner to “go fish”, and the other person has to take an additional card from the fish pile. The first person to match all the cards in his hand wins the game. At the end of the game, each person holds up her matching pairs and describes the pictures to the group.
Following the game we go to the “Watch It” part of the lesson and watch the film segment the first time.
For the second viewing of the film segment I hand out the script of the film with missing words and a word bank. They watch and listen and fill in the missing words. We take up the exercise and watch the segment a final time to give them a chance to read and follow along with the script of the film.
After we have watched the film segment we discuss some questions about what we have seen and heard.
If the group had difficulty understanding the film we go to the “Get It” part of the lesson and there the students can see and hear each sentence of the film script again. There is also a word bank in this part that lists the key words with their definitions and also a sound bite for pronunciation practice. Additionally, students can listen to native speakers giving descriptions of the various scenes from the film and get more information about the scenes.
My favourite part of the lesson is the “Own It” part. This part has five interactive games and quizzes. A laser pointer is useful for this part since it can be passed around the class easily as students take turns pointing to the right answers on the screen. The first game is called “Match the Picture” and up to fifteen pictures from the film segment are placed in a grid on the screen. A narrator describes one of the pictures and a student has to point to the picture described. We go around the class until all the pictures have been described. The next game is called “Order” and a list of six or seven phrases appear on the screen in a jumbled order. The narrator says the sentence and a student has to point out the correct order in which the phrases were spoken. The “Keyboard” exercise is basically spelling practice. After a keyboard appears on the screen, the narrator repeats a phrase or sentence and then repeats a key word from the sentence and tells the player to type the word using the keys on the screen keyboard. In all the activities, correct responses are rewarded with a happy beep and incorrect responses with a low buzz. Next on the list of “Own It” activities is the “Quiz”. Multiple choice questions appear on the screen and students choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d. The final activity is called “Journey”. A scene from the film appears on the screen and then a command like, “Click on the eye of the camel” is given and a student then points to the eye of the camel to complete the task.
The “Use It” part of the lesson includes more activities, mainly for pairs and small groups, as well as discussion questions and selections from the Bible that relate to the chapter from the Hope film.
The “Other” part of each lesson has many more activities like crossword and word search puzzles which students can do individually on their computers at home or in a computer lab.
The authors of the CD have granted permission to copy and distribute the CD. Since we cannot do all the activities in class, I always give my students copies to take home for practice.
I highly recommend this innovative curriculum. You can order a free copy of the latest edition from
Colin Brewster
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Importance of English language
Learning the English language is important in today's world. When you consider that approximately 375 million people in the world speak English as a mother tongue, an equally large number of people speak English as a second language, and around 750 million people speak English as a foreign language, English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In addition over one billion people currently learn English. In fact, it is estimated that one in four people learn English as a foreign language and you could be one of them.
English is the global language of communication. Businesses use English to communicate with companies from other countries and with today's global media learning English free could not be easier.
Also in today's international market learning English as a second language has almost become a necessity as English is the language of communication in International Business, and International Politics. Most academic publications across a range of fields are in English. Therefore to study English, learners need to look no further than the internet or media which is dominated by the English language.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Revolutionary Tendencies blog
Hope Rwanda distributes Hope ESL disc
In the meantime - we were able to personally distribute many (hundreds) of disks individually to teachers - who asked for them. And to all christian school teachers who were there as well as through the Association of Christian Teachers (ACT). Everyone who has seen it has loved it and raved about it.
Here's Life free Hope ESL offer begins
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Here's Life Australia's post
Here's Life Australia yesterday posted this (
This last week I saw a resource which I think you will want. It is a FREE ESL software CDROM.
I know you would like it because you downloaded one of our free evangelistic resources - showing me that you love Jesus and want to make Him known in your network of friends and aquaintances -- no matter what language they speak.
For the past 18 years my wife has NOT wanted to be involved in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). When she saw this she said, "WOW". You see, this is fun. It is interactive. It tells people about Jesus in a non-threatening way. It is something all of us can do. We had our first class last week.
On Thursdays I teach Scripture for Year 3 & 4. I plan to ask each of my students, "Who does not speak English at home?", and give them a CDROM to take home to improve their English AND to learn more about Jesus. It starts so basic that they can benefit from it, yet it has aspects which are so advanced that a university student could benefit.
Imagine giving it to ALL your neighbours who want to improve their English. Offer it to shop keepers.
It is a resource you can legally duplicate. That makes this CDROM cheaper than most Gospel tracts!
Here is how to get YOUR copy. Be generous and send $5 (covers postage and a bit more). It is well worth it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Caryn's ESL Blog Review
This looks like a great curriculum…a way to teach English and tell the story of Jesus Christ…together! These are a few thoughts I’ve had after spending several hours looking through the material. Keep in mind I have not yet used it myself to teach a class. I will be sharing it at all future ESL workshops, and hope to use it with students this summer.
The disc has links for Beginner through Advanced, though I think the lowest level I would use this is High-Beginner. I think some of the sentences that are used to reinforce the vocabulary are just too wordy for a low beginner class/student. There are many ways to use the material however. And you could certainly adapt it to fit your situation.
1. Give the disc to students that have computers at home. Let them explore on their own (or assign a section to be completed.) I’d probably take a class session to do an orientation to familiarize students with the disc and how to use it.
2. Meet with a student(s) and work with the CD together as part of a one-on-one or one-on-two tutoring session.
3. Use the material as the basis for teaching a class (showing the video from the day’s lesson and using the printable materials to teach new vocabulary and provide communication practice activities).
The Teacher’s Resources section is very helpful. If you only used the video portion to tell the story, then the teacher’s resources section with it, you could have the foundation for a good class lesson. If students are able to work on this outside of class in their homes, that would be even better.
Within the Student Resources section, students can discover how to begin a relationship with God. All of it supports our beliefs as Southern Baptists. New believers are also encouraged to share their decision with 5 other people within 24 hours…what a way to celebrate and share!
The curriculum is the result of collaboration between Mars Hill Productions and Roof Breakers. Pete Cavanaugh with Roof Breakers sent me the CD at no charge. He encourages duplication and sharing of the materials (as long as you don’t altar anything), so this is something you could provide to your students and teachers at no charge beyond the expense of blank CDs and printing of disc labels (though I suspect their ministry would appreciate financial support if possible!)
There are several Bible study guides that could be used with the curriculum as well. These appear to be for a more advanced group, but could probably be adapted for an intermediate student/class.
Check it out! Pete asks that in the spirit of ministry partnership, ministries would share how you’ve used the material and what experiences you’ve had with it. I’d love to hear as well!!
To order one for yourself, visit Roobreakers website!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Hope Rwanda possibility
I (Pete) will be traveling to Sydney this week for meetings with Campus Crusade.
I will also get a chance to meet up with Hope Rwanda. We are excited about this connection.
Check out these points...
Over the next 5 years Hope Rwanda will be involved in the transfer of the national language of Rwanda from French to English. This will involve teaching approximately 31,000 teachers in Rwanda to speak and write in English an then teach their students.
In partnership with the Rwandan Ministry of Education, the team goes to Rwanda once a year to run the Hope Rwanda Primary English Module Training & theHope Rwanda Nursery Module Training. If you are interested in becoming part of this team, please contact us at the Hope Rwanda Office.
Our motto is 'Teachers - more precious than gold'. Our primary goal is to encourage teachers in their significance of their role in society and in the impact they will have on the future generation of Rwanda's leaders.
Click here to view the Teacher Training Program 09
A 5 ½ day intensive residential training program during the July 2009 school vacation as part of Rwandan English Teacher Trainer Development Pathway.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Mission Catalyst ezine just ran the Hope ESL
FILM, CURRICULUM - Tools to Share "The Hope" and Teach English, Too
Source: Roofbreakers
First, have you seen Mars Hill Productions' evangelistic film, The Hope? The 80-minute dramatic presentation is designed to tell the biblical story of redemption, starting with creation. You can use it to share the gospel one chapter at a time or as a seamless whole. It's being used around the world in a variety of languages. (View the film online in English; order copieson DVD/VCD.)
Second, in partnership with Mars Hill, a ministry called Roofbreakers is now distributing a companion English-teaching resource to be used in helping students develop their English skills while sharing the message of The Hope with them.
"This CD-ROM uses beautiful images and audio while also including the full film. This resource is brilliant for short-term teams, classes, and one-on-one tutoring opportunities. Additionally, it can be copied and distributed without charge, making it a cheap and practical gift wherever English is in demand.
"In a spirit of partnership this resource is being distributed free to missionaries and national Christian workers around the globe (although donations for postage are appreciated)."
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Shepherds Staff & Lesotho news mention the Hope ESL ESL Tools
Teaching English as a Second Language is one of the greatest open doors for American missions projects. Just about every non-English speaking country in the world is open to teams of English - AMERICAN English - speaking teams to come in and teach. Relationships with foreign nationals evolve quickly presenting opportunity to discuss deeper, more important topics. And, it turns out, talking about God is a top shelf topic in many cultures. Brigada points out a great tool for teaching ESL.
First see this video from the Hope Project which is a most beautiful presentation of God's story from creation to the resurrection in simple easy to see and hear English or Spanish. The CD costs just $15. Now, if you are in missions or are a pastor or Christian worker go to Roofbreakers and apply for a free copy which is also brilliant for teaching English. Our thanks to Brigada for the news.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Brigada listing... here we go!
Very excited! The hope ESL made Brigada with 10,000 subscriptions.
1 HOUR LATER AND 6 ORDERS HAVE BEEN MADE. 21 hours later 54 orders.
Here is the copy...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
1) Hope Esl Software: Free English Teaching Cdrom Presenting The Bible
This resource is brilliant for short-term teams, classes and 1 to 1 tutoring opportunities. Additionally, it can be copied and distributed without charge making it a cheap and practical gift wherever English is in demand. In a spirit of partnership the new version of this resource is being distributed FREE to missionaries and national Christian workers around the globe (donations for postage is appreciated).
or email
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Free Hope ESL Software- The New Version launched
The new version of the Hope ESL curriculum from has been released.This free-to-copy English language CD ROM is being used and distributed around the world by a whole range of people. The vision is to see a copy of this material provided to key people in every country.
Currently has a specific focus on utilizing the massive global English Language opportunity to develop and distribute resources which teach and inspire students. The Hope ESL software curriculum is’s main project.
This software project had its origins in Vietnam where an Australian English teacher developed the educational concept. Later, in partnership with mars-hill productions, roofbreakers was able to produce the Hope ESL software curriculum as a free-to-copy CD ROM including the full Hope film.
Besides the CD, also available for download are (1) The Hope ESL Software Curriculum Guide in PDF; and (2) A few Simple ideas for New Language Learners and Old Ones Needing Some New Life.
The Hope ESL Mandarin support version has been completed and is awaiting approval to be printed in Beijing. The Indonesian support version of the Hope ESL is in the last stage of development.
Golobal distribution of the free Hope ESL software curriculum
Overview of the Hope Film
Every day, The HOPE is viewed by thousands of people around the world. You can learn more about the ministry of The HOPE, by visiting The HOPE section of the Mars Hill website.
You can view The HOPE online by visiting
You can order a copy of The HOPE by clicking here.
China English teaching.
China's Ministry of Education has lowered as of September 2001 the age at which schoolchildren begin their study of English - from junior high school to the third year of elementary school. According to the report, “The ministry's program is to familiarize primary school children with English through songs and games in the third grade, and then boost listening comprehension in higher grades.”
According to the daily Guangming Ribao, however, secondary-school English is taught mostly by teachers whose academic training is not English. It added that practically no primary school teacher in China has mastered English in college. Source
Friday, April 3, 2009
A few responses to the Hope ESL
Hi Pete, just thought I'd let you know I love the Mandarin Hope CDROM. I've been using alongside telling Chronological Bible Stories to non-Christian Chinese Uni students at Sydney Uni. It's been a help.
Keep up the good work bro!
I heard about Hope ESL from a friend who has been teaching in Russia for a couple of years. I emailed him asking for any resources he was familiar with. The next day he received an email from a friend telling him of the success he had with the Hope ESL program. I have deleted that email so I cannot provide you with a name...sorry! (Don't you just love how God works thing out???)
This year our church is sponsoring foreign mission trips to Cambodia, China, Guatamala, Bahrain and Lebanon. We are very excited about the doors God is opening for us...especially in Asia.
I look forward to receiving the CDs. May God richly bless your efforts.
Sorry for not responding ages ago. I did get the disk. I think its great, so really glad you now have time / backing / contacts to keep developing things. I have distributed the disk in a few directions already. Everyone seems to think it's great. In particular, one pastor's wife who i know here is running some English classes, taught by appropriate foreigners, mainly for students from the provinces who are studying in [the city]. She thinks it is great and has enthusiastically adopted it as the curriculum for the more advanced classes.
We are teaching English to hundreds of students and educators here in Nicaragua. How can I get a copy as soon as possible of your ESL tool?
Thank you so much for the ‘HOPE CD’. We are truly blessed and what a powerful tool. We are using it as part of out family bible study once a week and now I am planning to use it in our mens fellowship and trying to include the Bible story on CD in our youth program as part of the Bible lesson. Pray that the doors will be open for me to use the material.
We are working in Moldova sharing the Gospen through English teaching. During the summer we organize English camps and during the year we teach English in small groups. I was looking for some materials that will combine English lessond with the Gospel. The CD Rom that you write about would be a wonderfull thing on this way
Thanks so much for sending this CD on to me. It will be very useful. Both showing the film and for helping English students.
The missionnaries at Katoka out west near the Angolan border have the film, but not the English curriculum, so are wanting a copy.
I am in Lubumbashi and my friend from Katoka arrives here this afternoon, so she will make a copy while she is here.
Once again thank you so much for sending this CD.
Thanks for the mail and I just want to share with you that english is a very good tool for us to share the gospel with young people here. In our center in Antsirabe, we do have 100 young people coming to learn english once a week and every year we do have 200 students. Already lots of young people from our club are taking over the leaders and lots of them receive Jesus Christ as their personal saviour at the english club. We are very thankful to God that we do have partnership in this area.
"Please may we have a few more of The Hope CD.ROMS---can you spare six? ! Because of our involvement (over the last 12 years since our retirement from service in Africa) with the International Student Hospitality Scheme of the Glasgow Universities, then with Friends International in Glasgow, we now have an ongoing email ministry to those who have gone home after Graduating. This includes Dicipling, advising on Bible study and the like, also sending Bibles and study notes to those interested or who have come to faith while in the UK. There is such a need !---a real hunger too.
We were impressed with the complete message of 'The Hope' and feel that this is something that we could extend and use in our email ministry---so light and easy to send to China and other countries, for use via our contacts' computers. These young folks 'live' in them ! In the CD. the speakers speak at the right pace and pronounce so well, that it could be useful as a lip-reading exercise too, for the deaf ! This is an excellent English Language tool, with the wonderful bonus of hearing the Good News and of allowing an opening for the Holy Spirit to do His unique and wonderful work. We would value your comments---and if you feel this is a good use of your resourse, we would use the CDs sensitively." UK